On community defense pt 2

With so many people talking about community defense, the harkening to organized armed formations can inspire safety in some where others feel justified fear. The history of this country is plagued by organized white militias acting as extensions of the state to enforce white supremacy and even leftist movements of the recent past have regressed to these reactionary ideologies that alienate those they allege to protect.


John Brown Gun Club isn’t so much an organization as it is a declaration of intent and commitment to abolitionist principles. In this formation we must bear in mind the way in which society marginalizes us, some more than others, and work collectively to combat those actions without descending to the barbarism of militias.

If we are not lead by the oppressed, then there is no difference between our actions and policing. If we commit ourselves to the protection of property over people, that what difference is there between us and security guards? Militias, by definition heirarchal formations, are antithetical to egalitarian inclusivity foster an “us versus them” mentality separate from the community. We must be united in our commitment to equity.

Do not wait for a named organization or contingent, community defense starts with you. Show up and listen to what your community needs. No one is coming to save us. We’re the ones weve been waiting for.

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